Causes several problems with dialing rules, but make life much more comfortable.
So, the problem is how to handle those DID's in A2Billing, cause this soft uses only exact matches.
Solution - use MySQL patterns in DID fields directly.
So, now DID in A2Billing will looks like
yes with "%" sign at the end.
Also, for VoIP destination was made a quick modification, that allows to use variables in dialstring.
So, destination will be like
At %did% A2billing will automatically place original DID(extension)
Patch is below
diff -Naur AGI/a2billing.php agi-bin/a2billing.php
--- AGI/a2billing.php 2015-02-27 15:42:38.000000000 +0100
+++ agi-bin/a2billing.php 2015-10-27 13:17:49.000000000 +0100
@@ -643,7 +643,8 @@
" aleg_carrier_initblock_offp, aleg_carrier_increment_offp, aleg_retail_initblock_offp, aleg_retail_increment_offp ".
" FROM cc_did, cc_did_destination, cc_card ".
" WHERE AND cc_card.status=1 AND AND cc_did_destination.activated=1 ".
- " AND cc_did.activated=1 AND did='$mydnid' ".
+ //" AND cc_did.activated=1 AND did='$mydnid' ".
+ " AND cc_did.activated=1 AND '$mydnid' LIKE did ". // Added to Austrian DID handling
" AND cc_did.startingdate<= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND (cc_did.expirationdate > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP OR cc_did.expirationdate IS NULL ".
" AND cc_did_destination.validated=1";
if ($A2B->config["database"]['dbtype'] != "postgres") {
diff -Naur AGI/lib/Class.A2Billing.php agi-bin/lib/Class.A2Billing.php
--- AGI/lib/Class.A2Billing.php 2015-02-27 15:42:38.000000000 +0100
+++ agi-bin/lib/Class.A2Billing.php 2015-10-27 11:26:36.000000000 +0100
@@ -1324,6 +1324,8 @@
$dialparams = str_replace("%timeout%", min($time2call * 1000, $max_long), $dialparams);
$dialparams = str_replace("%timeoutsec%", min($time2call, $max_long), $dialparams);
$dialstr = $inst_listdestination[4] . $dialparams;
+ // Added support for %did% variable
+ $dialstr = str_replace("%did%", $this->orig_ext, $dialstr);
$this->debug(DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[A2Billing] DID call friend: Dialing '$dialstr' Friend.\n");