Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Kamailio - change script behavoir at a realtime

For the moment, it's impossible to apply changes to Kamailio config file (not using KEMI, for sure) without restarting Kamailio.

Here is a small trick that you can use to enable/disable some parts of a script in a realtime, that is very useful for debugging. Not the whole script, but something.



# REALTIME changable parameters
# Enable or disable test numbers function. Done as realtime not to use group (SQL) functions every call


    if ($(sel(cfg_get.realtime.test_destination){}) != 1) {

    if (is_user_in("To", "test-dst-to")) {
        xlog("$var(debug_level)", "[TEST_DESTINATION_DETECT] $rU as a test destination TO number\n");


    if (is_user_in("From", "test-dst-from")) {
        xlog("$var(debug_level)", "[TEST_DESTINATION_DETECT] $fU as a test destination FROM number\n");


In this example the whole route execution is based on a value of realtime.test_destination parameter. By default it's 0 (means false), but can be easily changed with 

# kamcmd cfg.set realtime test_destination 1

And no need to restart script. Small, but useful trick for me. Only thing to keep in mind, that unlike KEMI this trick is not taking into accout transaction states, etc. Just change and that's it.